As I start to create these images, I am starting to understand that these diagrams are crucial when trying to create a computer model of the motion sequence. But in these last few iterations of diagramming, I found that I'm missing an important part of the analysis. That in order to create a 3D computer iteration of my motion, it would be informative to take some time before I attempt a computer model and spend some time looking at the front footage of the motion. This would then help me look at the motion in a more spatial three-dimensional aspect, that I think we as a class are trying to accomplish.
The images here are again the diagramming of vertical movement in contrast the horizontal. It is probable to state that the side view is more interesting to diagram then that of the front view of the motion. The reason for this might be that there is more movement of the body along a stretched sequence. Now at this point I have not started to diagram the front view just yet, but I am going to guess that the line segments that I create in the front view are going to be somewhat more compact.
Basically here in these images I was looking at how the movement of the service motion would differ from the motion of the ground stroke. When looking at the two one can start to understand that the two motions very much are in contrast. Where at the point of impact with the tennis ball, there is an explosion of energy and it is at that point where the body seems create a line segment that is almost straight. After the body exerts this vertical movement, the resultant is the body folding in on itself with following through, trying to control the explosion of power that was just exerted. As the body then recovers the line segments start to create a more repetitive type, leaving me to assume that it is at this point the body is fully recovered from the service motion.
Below are the series of images that where created along the way to the finial image above. These investigations I believe are as just as important to me, as the finial image, because they help me to understand how the diagram is created and how it related to the beginning of this study. Hopefully these diagrams/studies will lead me to understanding this motion a little better, both the physical environment along with the digital.

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